Welcome to my Eworld

This site is solely dedicated to my travelling experiences both locally and abroad. When I say locally, it refers to my escapade in my home country, the Philippines; while abroad covers my travels in Asia, Europe and UK, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, as well as my future trips to Africa, China and Arabic countries.

Some of these travel journals photos are previously posted in my Friendster blog ( My Simple Life - unfortunately the blog is already dormant now); Travel Blog account, Travellerpoints account; but majority of them are shared in my e-Travel Guide account in TRIVAGO. I also write stories about these locations in my JPGMagazine account. Good luck and have fun reading my TRAVELdiary...

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"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." (Lao Tzu)

Saturday 12 January 2008

Day 14: New Year's Day

It was snowing at 1 degree C! I helped shovelling the snow in front of the house. My cousin's husband used the snow blower for easy removal of the snow.

After that, I proceeded to the backyard to make my first ever snow man! With my excitement, I easily shaped the snow man, including his orange eyes, nose and mouth with matching blue hat!

Having a snowman outside the house is my dream came true. While growing up and brainwashed with American films, I always think that Xmas celebration is not complete without snow man. Anyway, at least I managed to have it and being enjoyed by my cousin's kids which later on the head of the snowman was cut-off!

I also met my former officemate and his family in the afternoon. I also met his four kids and the eldest is already a beautiful 19 year old lady. My friend and family left the Philippines when the eldest was only 7 years old.

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My Philippine Tour Map

My Lakbayan grade is C+!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.